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Weekly Report (9/18-9/24)

This past week in Independent Study and Mentorship, I have spent time working on furthering my knowledge of surgical oncology, as well as my knowledge of myself. Dr. Mansour and I agreed to lay low and take a breather of sorts while I finish and submit my college applications and until I turn 18, which has given me more time to complete research on my own. So far I have done research assessments over HIPEC and its effects on overall and disease free survival, aggressive surgical approach to the management of neuroendocrine tumors, as well as liver transplantation for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. All of these articles have had relevance to my current study of surgical oncology, as well as, hopefully, my future career as a surgical oncologist. I have also spent quite a bit of time of the past week completing and finalizing my college applications. This is quite an exciting time, but it is also incredibly bittersweet to know that I have only one year left. It also can be quite overwhelming at times, but senior year has taught me not to take anything for granted and to cherish every single second of the time I have left in Frisco and with those that I have grown up with.

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