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Weekly Report (9/26-10/2)

This week brings the conclusion of the first six weeks of my junior year. This year, already, has been a challenge, but it has been a challenge that I am willing to face head on for the next 30 weeks. I know that it will not be easy, between SAT/ACT prep, drill team, and a large sum of AP courses, however I know that this will all be beneficial in developing the type of college student I am to become as well as how I will work in my future career. If I can teach myself diligence, persistence, and endurance, then I will carry them with me in the future. I know that it is the smallest thing that can determine whether a doctor succeeds or fails, and I am determined to not only succeed, but to excel. I have also begun brainstorming possible original work projects. I want my original work to be translational, something that can actually make a difference in the medical field. I am, however, unsure of where to begin. This inspires me to complete my last few interviews with added fervor and find a mentor that will be able to guide me down a path that will eventually leads to a successful original work project. I hope to find a mentor within the next couple of weeks, and I am excited to see in which subspecialty I will end up.

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